Friday 4 April 2008

Tuesday 4 March 2008

World of Warcraft my second video

This is another little video that I have created

World of Warcraft Language

The world of warcraft has almost its own language. Below is a list of terms that are used within the world of warcraft and what it is that they mean. This is not a full list because players come up with new terms all the time and it is difficult to keep up with them.

add= a creature that adds into an existing fight against you.
AFK= Away from keyboard
aggro= basically it means that there are a bunch of creatures attacking you character or group
AKA= also known as
Alt= basically a second character
AOE= area of effect
Avatar= your world of warcraft character
AH= auction house
BBL= be back later
Bind on equip= the item binds to your character when you equip it. this means that only you character can use it. when the item becomes obsolete it is best to sell it to an NPC/vendor
Bind on pick up= this type of items binds to your character the minute you character loots it
BRB= be right back
BRT= be right there
Buff= using spells to increase the various attributes of a character
Crowed control= is when you use spells and abilities to deisable your opponants
DPS= damage per second, the amount of damage a weapon can do each second
DMG= damage
DnD= do not disturb
DOT= damage over time
Farm= this is where you repeatedly kill the same type of mob often for gold and items
GG= good game
GJ= good job
GM= in-game blizzard guys who are there to make sure the game is running smoothly and to correct bugs and such
grind= this is where you kill mobs specifically for experience
HP= hit points
KOS= kill on sight
LFG= looking for group
main= your current character
med= to rest or eat to regain hp and mana
mob= mobile, basically this is an old term that means the monsters that are in game
ninja= is a dishonerable person who steals from a group
NM= never mind
NPC= non-player character
PVE= player vs environment
PVP= player vs player
WTB/WTS= want to buy/sell

There are many many more terms that are used but these are some of the most common. Hopefully this will help you to understand what the rest of the players are saying.

Monday 3 March 2008

My World of Warcraft Video

This is my world of warcraft video.

Thursday 28 February 2008

World of warcraft on youtube

Thw world of warcraft is an extremely popular game and i have found that there are loads of wow videos on youtube. Some are how to videos but most are just silly funny videos created to make people laugh.

What is the world of warcraft?

The World of Warcraft is an MMORPG, which means massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. Basically it means that there are about 7 million people playing the game and are able to team up and play co-operatively or competitively through the internet, hence the massively multiplayer online part.

But what is an RPG (role playing game)?

Basically a role playing game is where you create a character and then you decide how that character will act. You decide where they are going to go, what quests they will attempt and what spells and skill that character will learn. RPGs are very popular because they allow people to escape the real world for a few hours and be someone completely different, most shy people when roleplaying will tend to create a confident loud character with alot of charm and charisma.

Wednesday 27 February 2008


This blog will aim to help players of the World of Warcraft. It will outline ways of making gold without breaking Blizzards TOS. It will show the best ways to level your character up and will outline what classes and race are best for which situation. There will be regular updates and videos as well.

Happy hunting.